Career Services

Meridian Technology Center provides a wide range of services for both our students and prospective students. These services include assessment, career information, job readiness training, academic skills training and job placement services. Our trained staff can help you decide what you want to do and how to get there!

Career Development

Free online career information and assessments are available through the Oklahoma Career Guide. These assessments are available to assist you in learning more about your abilities, interests, personality and values. You can complete assessments that link interests, skills and values to careers; set career goals; locate scholarships and build cover letters and a résumé.

To log in:  

  1. Go to
  2. Click on student or adult
  3. Create an account
  4. Set up your username and password

Career Counseling

If you have taken all of the assessments on but still aren’t sure what career path to follow, you might benefit from career counseling. This involves a series of visits with our career specialist and includes assessment, interpretation and guidance. Talk to a staff member in the Career Planning Center if you think career counseling would benefit you.

Educational Enhancement Center

Employers want employees who are lifelong learners. At Meridian Technology Center, we want you to complete your career training and have the academic skills to continue to learn long after you graduate. The Educational Enhancement Center (EEC) helps you improve your skills in reading, math and locating information.

Individualized lessons are geared toward your needs. Students work at their own pace to improve their skills. Instructors are available to assist you as needed. Once you have reached the skill levels recommended for your career major, you are ready to take the WorkKeys® assessment.

WorkKeys Assessment and Career Readiness Certificates

Designed by ACT®, the company that developed the ACT® assessment college entrance exam, WorkKeys® measures communication, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills valuable to any occupation – skilled or professional – and at any level of education. Depending on their scores, individuals are awarded a platinum, gold, silver or bronze Career Readiness Certificate. These portable skills credentials, which are nationally recognized, can be used to get a job and to advance in your career.

To help you earn valuable certifications in your career major, the EEC also offers state competency testing. You can also take tests to compete in district and state competitions..

Career Preparation Assistance

Meridian’s Career Development Specialists assists students with job search techniques, provides job readiness curriculum to instructors, hosts mock interviews and provides résumé assistance for students.