
Discovering the Basics of Gmail

Job applicants are expected to conduct a certain amount of correspondence using an email account. Prepare before your job search by creating a new Gmail account, discover how to send and receive emails, customize an email signature, attach documents such as your resume, and keep received emails organized.

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Creating a Professional Résumé using Google Docs

Your résumé is your first impression so it has to be fabulous! If you are looking to enter the work force, this session will get you on the path to success. First, you will identify the key information to include on your résumé based on your background. Next, you will use the free
application, Google Docs, to explore templates to make creating your résumé easier. Finally,you will begin creating your own résumé and
discover how to customize the look with themes to make it reflect your personality and achieve your goals. You will need a computer and internet access to complete this video training.

Click here it register and view the video

How to Conduct Online Job Searches

Today’s employers post their open positions online in a variety of places. Discover how to find job openings matching your skills and how to apply for those of interest. If you do not have a digital resume or do not have an email account, completing the “Using Google Docs to Prepare Your Resume” and “Discovering the Basics of Gmail” is highly recommended prior to completing this video training.

Click here it register and view the video